

The 1st seminar on developing E-commerce Logistics Packaging successfully held.


The 1st seminar on developing  E-commerce  logistics packaging successfully held.

  The Innovo Packaging joint hand with The Dow Chemical Company held a    seminar on the developing of E-commerce logistics packaging. Partners of the  same industrial chain were invited.


  On 23rd Feb,2017, Hangzhou, China. The 1st Seminar on developing  E-commerce logistics packing were hold together by China E-commerce Logistics Packaging Research Center, subsidiary of Innovo Group, and Pack Studios, the Innovation platform of The Dow Chemical Company. Participants including China Packaging Federation (CPF), China  Express Association (CEA), The DOW Chemical Company, FengWang Investment, SF Express, Suning, and Fotile, etc,. Of which from different industries such as Industry association, colleges, and research centers, logistics enterprises, packaging enterprises, material enterprises and retail enterprises. The seminar focuses on the development of packaging E-commerce, planning a better future for the eco-system of the industry.

According to data from The Post Bureau of China, until 20th Dec 2016, states parcel deliveries reached more than 30billion, lead china again the first place in the world. In the extension area of express industry, E-commerce, manufacture and cross-border trade have taken over the extension areas of express industry. Express has becoming the backbone of E-commerce. On the other hand, it also accounts for an enormous waste of material resources. On 2015, consumption on parcel box achieved 9.922billion; 16.985 billion meters of tapes were used. Wasted recourses can fill up 0.2 million football yards.  The brake on express industry, though, has been excessive packaging, low efficiency that couldn’t reach high standards. The seminar aimed at solving above problems by exchanging professional knowledge, packing techniques, in order to improve application on packaging, thus, to create a better ecosystem for the packaging industry.

China  E-commerce Logistics Packaging Research Center, which owned by The Innovo Group had also carried on the opening ceremony on the meeting. The research  center is committed to E-commerce  logistics packaging technology innovation, logistics, through analysis and study business process redesign packing, from three dimensions, materials, equipment and technology increasing electricity logistics packaging of lightweight, high strength, standard and efficient technology, the basis of the development of green environmental protection, function innovation, intelligent electrical business logistics packaging solutions.

  Jack Chen, CEO of Innovo Group said: " We are very honored to work with The Dow company, it is an internationally known company that can bring us new technology and innovative materials, finding better way to improve packaging. Both our partners and us are positively in pursuit of high-quality and environmental friendly products. With our effort, I believe there will be great achievements in the near future."

  EPE is one of the most popular environment friendly materials widely used for transport packaging. As the organizer of this seminar, the Dow Chemical Company raised a Patent-protected product----enhanced EPE. By increasing its compressive strength by 20%, the tearing strength doubled, it greatly improve the application scope of packaging, and will greatly reduce the breakage of goods during transportation, at the same time improving packing efficiency and reducing the logistics cost.

  "E-commerce logistics industry is developing rapidly; it is now in urgent need of improvement. The Dow Chemical Company’s packaging innovation mode in China and Asia Pacific has obtained great success; we have been constantly looking for local demand of the market, with the enterprise on the chain to cooperate, work together for the innovative development of the industry. " Says the Greater China Marketing Manager of Value chain Mr. Yang Xian. "Last year, the Dow packaging master opens the whole industry chain cooperation in the field of China's animal husbandry forage silage. This year, we will work with local partners of electricity industry, launched a series of E-commerce packaging innovation solutions with local characteristics. "

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